To learn anything worthwhile the most important thing is always the mindset one must-have. People who have a rage to master can beat the learning curve and learn things faster than rest. In this blog, I am sharing my top 7 places to learn SAPUI5/OpenUI5.

SAP Community Network is by far the best place to learn, explore and connect with mentors. It not only provides a good place to get answers to your questions but also a good platform to see what other people are up to with UI5.
2.Git hub and Developer Guide

Git hub is by far the best place for hackers to see how UI5 libraries are designed and build. The core development code is open source in Open UI5. And I will admit Git hub documentation is even better than by Learn UI5 Book sold at Amazon. The only issue is you need to have a strong Javascript background to take full advantage of this because many concepts here are explained with jargon from the Javascript world which belongs to pretty advanced skills.
Developer Guide is also another great starting point which can be a place to take your skills to the next level in a step by step manner.

This is an excellent place for knowledge and gets to know the design and business side of SAP UI5 and SAP Fiori( Fiori apps are pre-built apps, build with UI5). And can be an excellent resource if you are looking for some points to create a sales pitch to your customer to make them bring SAP UI5/Open UI5 apps or Pre-build Fiori apps.
You should check the UX cost calculator to justify why a business should invest in UX. It is one of the coolest things you can show to your business analyst.
4. UI5CN

Not far behind but at number 4, I would recommend UI5CN courses and blogs. To keep it short and simple UI5CN has covered the entire spectrum of UI5 Apps End-to-End in the most simple way and already more than 7000 users have gone through it both paid and free courses. The books are also written in simple words and covers all the aspect of development one needs to know to work as a professional UI5 developer. UI5CN tries to keep the learning curve simple, so even if you have no background of Javascript or even with SAP you will find it easy to follow and easy to implement in real projects. Courses are also filled with lots of examples of comprehensive, concepts and experiences both are shared at the same time.
5.OpenUI5 org is an excellent resource to start exploring UI5 and the best thing is that all the details one has to know are shared with links. Must check resource for someone who is starting out with SAPUI5/OpenUI5.

Like all other technologies, StackOverflow is an amazing place to see what are the current issues and solutions which people have posted in relation to UI5. Not only you will get to know issue and how to solve them and ask more questions, but also you will get to know people who are Professional with UI5 and connect with them.

It might come as a surprise but personally, it is my go-to platform if I want to know what is happening in UI5 work with #openui5 tags and similar tags, you can connect with technology mentors and learn a lot more. And there is a good chance that you might also get a glimpse of new things which are going to come in the UI5 world and the amazingly cool world of open-source SAP.
Like any other technology UI5 also have its learning curve and luckily compare to other JS libraries like D3JS, it is not much difficult to learn. If you have a hacker mindset and are an explorer then you don’t even need any hand helding to learn UI5. The API reference is quite comprehensive and with UI5 explorer you can even see live examples of how individuals components can be used.
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