This blog will pinpoint 7 major reason why UI5 is worth considering if you are looking forward to learn it, to set the context check our previous blog the Sweet Story of SAPUI5/OpenUI5 and Javascript. Basically, UI5 is open source Javascript library build with Javascript, jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3. Using UI5 we can create HTML5 applications, which can then be run in web browser.
1.Open Source

Open UI5 libraries are open source which means that you pay zero licensing cost to use Open UI5 technologies. If you are creating an app with UI5 it comes under Apache License open source version 2.0 licences and the goals of this licence is to reduce the number of frequently asked questions, to allow the license to be reusable without modification by any project, to allow the license to be included by reference instead of listed in every file etc. Read more about Apache License version 2.0 here.
2.Integrate with existing JS libraries:

SAPUI5 and OpenUI5 are created using with Javascript so the integration with existing pool of Javascript libraries are easy, UI5 internally uses D3JS analytics libraries to leverage graphs and data representation in nice and beautiful visual forms. In our Advanced UI5 Professional course we have covered this in details of how to add an external libraries elements as components in UI5 itself . See more here.
3.Pre-Build Elements

UI5 libraries are equipped with 200+ pre-build elements which allows developers to focus on UX designs of their application and the integration with the existing application of these components which are object based and simple once you know the basic working of MVC with UI5.

An UI5 Application utilizes MVC framework which clearly separated Model, View and Controls for an existing application and designing complex application with this pattern is much simpler.

When you create a UI5 application with responsive component the component change it’s shape and size to adapt depending upon type of device they are currently being operated on. Thanks to media query of CSS3 which allows it to do so. It provides a much needed benefit to make sure that apps are usable independent of what device your end-user is using to run these apps. Even with custom CSS and media query we can make the look and feel of the application even more customised which we covered in details in our Professional UI5 development course.
6.Loose coupling Architecture:

When we talk about big picture of how these UI5 application are deployed in landscape. They are basically following loose coupling architecture which means the UI5 components are independent of the middleware components and backend. This provides a good degree of separation when we talk about coming up with new version of your application. Your middleware can be a oData service provider like SAP Netweaver gateway or SAP Hana system. Middle ware development is one of the curtal part in any application now as most of the data fetching performance is based on that. Learn how it can be done in details here.
7.Comprehensive API reference:

Finally, API reference provided by SAPUI5/OpenUI5 is comprehensive which helps a lot to understand how to use these libraries. The explored provided is a big help to see how individual component will look like and what are the code to be written to include it.
Some of the disadvantages related to UI5 is it’s initial high loading time of libraries, that means libraries can take time when they are initially loaded in your web browser this can also be fixed by using early loading concepts .
Check some of our Free and Paid resources to learn UI5 here, these are made by people who knows a lot about UI5 but are too lazy to work as consultant/contractors 🙂
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