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CDS Views in 21 Points

CDS views

 CDS Views

  • Views are Projection over Data and are not Actual Data. Similarly, CDS(Core Data Services) are views which are projection over Database Tables.
  • With CDS View one can create a view by writing DDL Code which is easier to understand.
  • CDS Views can have a relationship with each other like association, composition, and also Join like Left outer Join, Inner Join, etc. Using this you can create complex data models.
  • In S/4 HANA® VDM is created with CDS Views. And it is one of the key selling points of S/4 HANA®.
  • VDM stands for Virtual Data Model, the concept is you do not expose a database directly to the outside world but you create views over the database and with the help of these views one can read data and update data.
  • Views are primarily used to read data and with the help of ABAP® code, you can update the data which is mostly in the case of Transactional Application.
  • The Update of data in Transactional Application in S/4 HANA® is done with AMDP, BOPF, ABAP® Restful Programming, etc.

If you want to see and learn CDS-Based Development Hands-on. You can also check out the CDS Professional Development course here. We have also other courses like ABAP® Restful here where we have covered the VDM in-depth and how one can create a transactional application with the Restful framework.


Advantage of CDS Views 

  • The main advantage of CDS views is with the CDS view you can create full-fledged Data Models.
  •  For example, imagine you have to create a data model for the Order to Cash process. Here let’s only consider Sales Order Part for now. In this case, you will have a Header and Item tables. Now in data modeling, you will be creating CDS view for Header Table and CDS view for the Item table. Then you will specify that they have a composition or association relationship. The CDS view which directly extracting data from the Database table is called Basic CDS View. These Basic CDS Views can remain the same for all the Projects. Developers can further extend the Basic CDS Views to create Composite CDS Views. This layer of CDS Views can be used in applications. One can again Create one more layer of CDS Views over Composite CDS Views called Consumption CDS view which will be Custom Build to be used in a specific application. The naming convention of the Basic CDS view is (I_*, example I_PurchaseDocHeader), composite is (I_*) and consumption is (C_*). These Hierarchies are referred to as VDM(Virtual Data Model) which is one of the key aspects of S/4 HANA®.
  • CDS Views are not dependent upon the database, so you can use CDS views over any SAP® Supported Database.
  • In CDS Views Client Handling is automatic, even if you want to ignore it in your code, it can be handled internally.
  • In CDS one can use Aggregation and Numeric Function.
  • In CDS View you can have a calculation field that can automatically calculate values-based upon every time an update of the value happens. This field can use Aggregation and Numeric Function as well. For example, if you want to Aggregate all the Item Price in Sales Order Header. This can be done with Aggregate functions. You can have a custom field in your Header CDS views with Aggregate functions to achieve this.
  • CDS views can be used in ABAP® Code to read data.
  • You can have complex Joins and Projection over the database with CDS View using CDS DDL Code.
  • CDS Views supports Open SQL Syntax. So, you can call CDS View with Open SQL in ABAP® Code.
  • CDS Views can also be viewed with SE11 T-Code Using CDS View’s SQL View Name. 
  • CDS Views are Part of the ABAP® Data Dictionary.
  • CDS View can be easily exposed as oData Service by Just adding a single annotation as @odata.publish: true
  • And finally, the most exciting thing you can do is add semantic information to data, with information like how should the data appear in UI, what the data holds, is it a currency or timestamp, what should it be called in the UI layer, what is the sequence in which data need to be represented in UI, etc.
  • This semantic information is called Annotation. Annotations can be of different types and start with a @ symbol. With the CDS Views, one can also define the UI and Presentational aspects within the view. By adding the annotation to CDS View one can control how the data is represented in frontend logic irrespective of which application is using it.

To Learn CDS Development Professionally You can Enroll in our In-Depth CDS Professional Development Course here.

UI5CN CDS Course
CDS Course | 18 hrs+

To learn how to use CDS in Transactional Application and Create Real-time Project with ABAP® RESTful you can enroll in our ABAP RAP Professional Development Course here.

ABAP Restful
ABAP® Restful
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#7 Deploy App to SCF in SAPĀ® CAPM – 7 Steps to Get Started With SAPĀ® CAPM

Before we begin!

In this 7 blog series, we are going to provide a small end-to-end scenario to work with SAP® CAPM. Here the usecase we are going to use is of Learning Management System(LMS) and build a Student List App and Deploy it to SCF.

Link to Master(or Main) Blog from which all the other blogs can be reached is Here.

  • If you wanted to check out the detailed course on SAP® CAPM the link is Here.
  • If you want to get learn SAP® Cloud Platform Development in Detailed then we have a 35hrs hands-on course Here.
  • For current offers and discounts check offer page Here.

In this section we are going to deploy our App to SAP® Cloud Foundry(SCF) in SAP® Cloud Platform(SCP)




Step 1: Building DB Artifacts

Till now, we were using sqlite3 Database in the local environment to test. Now we will use HANA® DB in Cloud or HDI Container(which comes with Free Trial of SCF).

To deploy our database artifacts i.e the cds which describe the structure and csv data. We need to first convert it to SQL, in which the HDI container/HANA® DB can process the creation of the table and loading of data.

For this we need to build our db artifacts, this we do by opening .cdsrc.json and adding the content as shown below


"build": {

"target": "gen",

"tasks": [

{ "src": "db", "for": "hana", "options": { "model": ["db", "srv"] } },

{ "src": "srv", "for": "node-cf", "options": { "model": ["db", "srv"] } },

{ "src": "app", "for": "node-cf" }





Note: In this case, we are telling the CAPM to create a build inside folder gen(which will get created once we run cds build/all command). And inside the gen folder, we will get db, srv and app build code.

For our purpose, we only need db artifacts so the above .cdsrc.json code can be just for db build as shown below


"build": {

"target": "gen",

"tasks": [

{ "src": "db", "for": "hana", "options": { "model": ["db", "srv"] } }




Step 2: cds build/all to Build Artifacts

Now let’s start the build process which will read the .cdsrc.json file and create a gen folder and add all the build artifacts inside it

cds build/all

Step 3: Create the HDI Container in SCF

Now lets, create the HDI container in the cloud. We can do it manually with Cockpit UI or with CLI. Below us CLI Code which you can execute after you are logged in to your SCF account from CLI

cf create-service hanatrial hdi-shared somedbname

In this case, the SAP® Cloud Foundry service is hanatrail, the plan is hdi-shared and somedbname is your HDI container name.

Step 4: Change package.json DB

Open the package.json file from the project directory and update the place we have sqlite to hana i.e. from "kind": "sqlite", to "kind": "hana",.

Here, we are telling CAPM App to use HANA® DB(or HDI) connection setting


"name": "democds",

"version": "1.0.0",

"description": "Generated by cds init",

"repository": "<Add your repository here>",

"license": "ISC",

"dependencies": {

"@sap/cds": "^3.18.4",

"express": "^4.17.1",

"hdb": "^0.17.1",

"sqlite3": "^4.1.0"


"engines": {

"node": "^8.9"


"scripts": {

"start": "cds run"


"cds": {

"requires": {

"db": {

"kind": "hana",

"model": [









Note: You can also run command to uninstall sqlite3 from the project if you face exit status 14 error while deploying the app to SCF with below command

npm uninstall sqlite3

or Just remove the sqlite3 dependencies from package.json.

Step 5: Create YML

To deploy our App in cloud we can either use mta.yml or manifest.yml.

Note: .yml and .yaml are both extensions of YML descriptor file and are same. But mta.yml and manifest.yml are both different kinds.

You can think mta.yml as an advanced version of manifest.yml where you have more features like adding resource bundles, also when an app is deployed with mta.yml file then in client-side a compressed zip file is created with all Apps artifacts and then this zip file is deployed to Cloud. In the case of using manifest.yml file while deploying, all files are uploaded sequentially and no zip file is created locally as in the previous case.

In our case, we use manifest.yml file in the root of the project for simplicity as shown below

Create a new file named manifest.yml

touch manifest.yml

Add Deployment information to manifest.yml file as below:



- name: hdbApp

path: ./gen/db

memory: 256M

health-check-type: process


- somedbname

- name: newApp

path: ./


- somedbname

Here, we are first deploying the db artifacts which will create the tables in HDI container(or HANA® DB) and Add data. After that, we deploy the newApp, which will deploy our CAPM App.

Step 6: cf push and Test

For deploying App in Cloud you can use the command

cf push

Which needs to be done in the root of the Project, where you see your manifest.yml file you created.

Output of the application will be

Fiori Launchpad:

Output Fiori Launchpad



Data of Students:

Output Fiori Launchpad


🙂 Congratulations! You have completed this series.

Before we end!

In this 7 blog series, we are going to provide a small end-to-end scenario to work with SAP® CAPM. Here the usecase we are going to use is of Learning Management System(LMS).

Link to Master(or Main) Blog from which all the other blogs can be reached is Here.

  • If you wanted to check out the detailed course on SAP® CAPM the link is Here.
  • If you want to get learn SAP® Cloud Platform Development in Detailed then we have a 35hrs hands-on course Here.
  • For current offers and discounts check offer page Here.
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#6 Creating Custom UI5 App in SAPĀ® CAPM – 7 Steps to Get Started With SAPĀ® CAPM

Before we begin!

In this 7 blog series, we are going to provide a small end-to-end scenario to work with SAP® CAPM. Here the usecase we are going to use is of Learning Management System(LMS) and build a Student List App and Deploy it to SCF.

Link to Master(or Main) Blog from which all the other blogs can be reached is Here.

  • If you wanted to check out the detailed course on SAP® CAPM the link is Here.
  • If you want to get learn SAP® Cloud Platform Development in Detailed then we have a 35hrs hands-on course Here.
  • For current offers and discounts check offer page Here.

In this part, we are going to make a UI5 App. This will allow us to separate View Code From Data Definition, i.e. the Annotations we have written in CDS view, we can separate it in UI5 App.

We can also provide our user with a Fiori® Launchpad experience and customize further the UI components.





Step 1: File structures

Create an app folder inside the project root. This will hold all our UI codes

    mkdir app

Create the UI Project Structure as below, here we have app as root for UI project, inside this we have index.cds, index.html and studentsDetails folder. studentsDetails Folder contains webapp folder which has Component.js, manifest.json and fiori-service.cds

|-- app
    |-- index.cds
    |-- index.html
    |-- studentsDetails
        |-- webapp
            |-- Component.js
            |-- manifest.json
            |-- fiori-service.cds

Step 2: index.html Code

  • In file index.html we are going to add a tile that represents our Fiori® App. The template Code for the inde.html is as below
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>LMS Students</title>
      window["sap-ushell-config"] = {
        defaultRenderer: "fiori2",
        applications: {
          "manage-Students": {
            title: "Manage Students",
            icon: "sap-icon://documents",
            description: "Students Management",
            additionalInformation: "SAPUI5.Component=studentsDetails",
            applicationType: "URL",
            url: "/studentsDetails/webapp",
            navigationMode: "embedded"
    <script src=""></script>
      data-sap-ui-libs="sap.m, sap.ushell, sap.collaboration, sap.ui.layout"
        .attachInit(() =>
  <body class="sapUiBody" id="content"></body>

Step 3: index.cds Code

In index.cds we are going to add reference to file where our CDS UI Annotations are defined. In this file, we can give one or more cds file path. This also brings modular structure to our app as well.

Code of index.cds is

using from './studentsDetails/fiori-service';

Step 4: component.js Code

Inside webapp we will add a file named component.js which will basically describe about UI5/Fiori App. This also, includes the manifest.json information, which we are going to define in next step

sap.ui.define(["sap/fe/AppComponent"], ac =>
  ac.extend("studentsDetails.Component", {
    metadata: { manifest: "json" }

Step 5: manifest.json Code

In manifest.json file we are going to define data source of service, routes, App title etc.

Below is the blank template of the manifest.json

    "_version": "1.8.0",
    "": {
      "id": "student",
      "type": "application",
      "title": "Students Details",
      "description": "studentsDetails",
      "dataSources": {
        "<Data Source Name>": { 
          // example: mysrvdemo or first 
          // which is your service name

          "uri": "<URL>", // example: /mysrvdemo/ or /first/
          "type": "OData",
          "settings": {
            "odataVersion": "4.0"
    "sap.ui5": {
      "dependencies": {
        "libs": {
          "sap.fe": {}
      "models": {
        "": {
          "dataSource": "<dataSources Name>",
          "settings": {
            "synchronizationMode": "None",
            "operationMode": "Server",
            "autoExpandSelect": false,
            "earlyRequests": false,
            "groupProperties": {
              "default": {
                "submit": "Auto"
      "routing": {
        "routes": [ {
          "pattern": ":?query:",
          "name": "Student",
          "target": "Student"
        "targets": {
          "Student": {
              "type": "Component",
              "id": "Student",
              "name": "sap.fe.templates.ListReport",
              "options": {
                "settings": {
                  "entitySet": "<Name of Structure>"
                  //example: Students 

Step 6: fiori-service.cds Code

Inside fiori-service.cds we define the annotations for the UI according to which data will be rendered in screen

using first from '../../srv/schema';
annotate first.Students with @(
     UI: {
    SelectionFields: [ email,first_name],
    LineItem: [
      {Value: email,
      {Value: first_name,
      {Value: last_name,
      {Value: date_sign_up,
  HeaderInfo: {
      TypeName: 'email', TypeNamePlural: 'Emails',
      Title: { Value: email },
      Description: { Value: first_name }

Step 7: Run the App

Now save all files and run the App:

cds run --in-memory

Step 8: Output

You will see now a Fiori® Launchpad with you App placed as a Tile. If you go inside you will see List based elements showing Students details.

Fiori Launchpad:

Output Fiori Launchpad



Data of Students:

Output Fiori Launchpad




Before we end!

In this 7 blog series, we are going to provide a small end-to-end scenario to work with SAP® CAPM. Here the usecase we are going to use is of Learning Management System(LMS).

Link to Master(or Main) Blog from which all the other blogs can be reached is Here.

  • If you wanted to check out the detailed course on SAP® CAPM the link is Here.
  • If you want to get learn SAP® Cloud Platform Development in Detailed then we have a 35hrs hands-on course Here.
  • For current offers and discounts check offer page Here.
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#5 Create UI with Annotation in SAPĀ® CAPM – 7 Steps to Get Started With SAPĀ® CAPM

Before we begin!

In this 7 blog series, we are going to provide a small end-to-end scenario to work with SAP® CAPM. Here the usecase we are going to use is of Learning Management System(LMS) and build a Student List App and Deploy it to SCF.

Link to Master(or Main) Blog from which all the other blogs can be reached is Here.

  • If you wanted to check out the detailed course on SAP® CAPM the link is Here.
  • If you want to get learn SAP® Cloud Platform Development in Detailed then we have a 35hrs hands-on course Here.
  • For current offers and discounts check offer page Here.

Getting data in Fiori UI with annotations, just by using services.




Step 1: Missing Part

If we go inside by clicking on in Fiori link as shown below in the service output


We will get a Fiori based App with no data, as shown below


The issue here is that we have not added Annotation(s) in our data definition.
Annotations are required for UI to know how to bind the data to UI fields.


Step 2: Adding Annotations to Entities

We can add the UI Annotations to the CDS file present inside the db folder

    annotate Students with @(
    UI: {

        LineItem: [
            {Value: email,

Explanation of the Annotations

  • Here, we are using annotate keyword to add Annotations to entity Students
  • UI keyword specifies that its going to be added to UI
  • In selection field we add the entity fields
  • In Lineitem we add the column attributes via label and data value by value keyword
  • In identification we add the key of the entity

Step 3: Adding Header Annotations

We can also add header fields with annotations with using HeaderInfo keywords.
This will show us the data, when we navigate to next page.

So, the updated Annotations are below

annotate Students with @(
    UI: {
        LineItem: [
            {Value: email,
            {Value: first_name,
            {Value: last_name,
            {Value: date_sign_up,
        //To add header info
    HeaderInfo: {
      Title: { Value: email },
      Description: { Value: first_name }

Final CDS Code

Now the final CDS file inside db folder will apread as below

entity Students{
    key email : String(65);
    first_name : String(20);
    last_name : String(20);
    date_sign_up : Date;
annotate Students with @(
    UI: {

      SelectionFields: [ email,first_name],
        LineItem: [
            {Value: email,
            {Value: first_name,
            {Value: last_name,
            {Value: date_sign_up,
        //To add header info
    HeaderInfo: {
      TypeName: 'email', TypeNamePlural: 'Emails',
      Title: { Value: email },
      Description: { Value: first_name }


Step 4: Restart Server With New Code

Now if we restart the server with new code, we will see the Data in Fiori App, which previously we were not able to see with Fiori Preview.

This is how front page will look like



When we click on any Line item, we can navigate to detail page and also see the Header Info, as per our Annotation

Note: Here the Title which is email is not shown because the detail page(where we navigate) is not Object Page.



Before we end!

In this 7 blog series, we are going to provide a small end-to-end scenario to work with SAP® CAPM. Here the usecase we are going to use is of Learning Management System(LMS).

Link to Master(or Main) Blog from which all the other blogs can be reached is Here.

  • If you wanted to check out the detailed course on SAP® CAPM the link is Here.
  • If you want to get learn SAP® Cloud Platform Development in Detailed then we have a 35hrs hands-on course Here.
  • For current offers and discounts check offer page Here.
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#4 Creating Schema and Database in SAPĀ® CAPM ā€“ 7 Steps to Get Started With SAPĀ® CAPM

Before we begin!

In this 7 blog series, we are going to provide a small end-to-end scenario to work with SAP® CAPM. Here the usecase we are going to use is of Learning Management System(LMS) and build a Student List App and Deploy it to SCF.

Link to Master(or Main) Blog from which all the other blogs can be reached is Here.

  • If you wanted to check out the detailed course on SAP® CAPM the link is Here.
  • If you want to get learn SAP® Cloud Platform Development in Detailed then we have a 35hrs hands-on course Here.
  • For current offers and discounts check offer page Here.

Steps for creating Schema, Database(Local with Sqlite3) and Service





Step 1: DB and CSV Folder

Add a folder named db in the project directory

      mkdir db

Inside db folder create another folder csv

      mkdir csv


Step 2: Create the CDS Data Structure

Now we will create the data structure for our project, in this case we will create a simple Student entity

Create CDS

Create a .cds file where we are going to add the CDS structure

   touch filename.cds

Entity Model

Inside cds file create db model as shown below

    entity Students{
        key email : String(65);
        first_name : String(20);
        last_name : String(20);
        date_sign_up : Date;

Here key is assigned as email and key is also a required field.


Step 3: Add CSV Data

Inside CSV folder create file using command

    touch filename.csv

Add data to the file as shown below, here we are adding data entries. The first row is coloum attribute followed by Data values of the respective Structure we created above.


Note: The filename should be same as the absolute path of the CDS entity, in this case this is So internally CAPM lib connects CSV Data to CDS entity.


Step 4: Create Service

In srv folder, we are going to create a projection without above cds structure. This will expose the CDS entity as Service.

Note: In this service, we have assigned an annotation on entity student which is @readonly. This annotation will restrict the entity to be read-only which means using the service entity records cannot be updated, deleted or inserted.
Also, here we have to be careful of the namespace, we have used the namespace so the service needs to use lms.Students to refer to our Student Entity in CDS view above.

using from '../db/<Your CDS Entity File Name>';

service  first{
   @readonly entity Students as projection on lms.Students;


Step 5: Installing Sqlite3 and Running

We can run locally with sqlite3 module, which will allow us to quickly test the result

So, let’s add sqlite3 in our project

  npm i sqlite3

Now, lets run the CDS view, we are using --in-memory tag so that CDS will run using sqlite3 DB

  cds run --in-memory

Also, if you want to deploy data to sqlite3 permanently then you can use

  cds deploy --to sqlite

After running the deploy command, the output in console will be

  > filling from db/csv/
  /> successfully deployed to ./sqlite.db
  > updated ./package.json

And you will also see a sqlite.db file added to your project.

Now you can just use cds run next time to run app with data from sqlite DB. Also, you can use cds run --in-memory if in case, you changed some data/data structure(CDS) and want to quickly test in-memory.


Step 6: Final Result

We will have our application running in port 4004 by default, if we open http://localhost:4004 we will find our application running.

For seeing the data you can go to the URL: http://localhost:4004/first/Students


Before we end!

In this 7 blog series, we are going to provide a small end-to-end scenario to work with SAP® CAPM. Here the usecase we are going to use is of Learning Management System(LMS).

Link to Master(or Main) Blog from which all the other blogs can be reached is Here.

  • If you wanted to check out the detailed course on SAP® CAPM the link is Here.
  • If you want to get learn SAP® Cloud Platform Development in Detailed then we have a 35hrs hands-on course Here.
  • For current offers and discounts check offer page Here.