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5 good AngularJs framework you must know about


AngularJS is one of the most popular and open-source web application framework maintained by Google and a community of individual developers and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications.

If you are already familiar to AngularJS and want to turn on some real magic but don’t know the enough resources to spruce up the coding, don’t worry, some developers have adapted a few front-end frameworks to work and support AngularJS. These Frameworks come with some of useful tools and components that help developers to build innovative web applications quickly and easily.



Below we have gathered 5 Best AngularJS Frameworks you can use for developing your web-applications without much hassle.


1. AngularUI Bootstrap


Angular UI Bootstrap is built on top of the front-end framework called Bootstrap. The framework contains a set of native AngularJS directives based on Bootstrap HTML and CSS components. Angular UI Bootstrap offers several directives, such as carousel, alert, date picker, dropdown, time picker, buttons and more.


2. Ionic


Ionic is a powerful front-end framework optimized for AngularJS for developing mobile applications. The framework uses AngularJS directives to support mobile components, tools and gestures made up of HTML5 and CSS3, thus offering rich user interfaces (UIs). Built with SAAS, Ionic offers a free and open-source software development kit (SDK) as well as a library of UI components for designing interactive, hybrid applications for touch devices.


3. Mobile Angular UI


Mobile Angular UI is a user interface (UI) framework for designing HTML5 mobile applications. It is optimized for AngularJS and Bootstrap and supports powerful libraries like fastclick.js and overthrow.js. The framework offers essential mobile components, such as sidebars, overlays, switches, scrollable areas and more. With Mobile Angular UI, you can design a responsive, mobile user-interface as well as convert desktop web applications to mobile applications.


4. LumX


LumX is a fully-responsive front-end framework based on Google material design guidelines and optimized for AngularJS. LumX is built with SAAS, Neat and Bourbon providing customizable application design for smooth functionality and cool features.


5. Supersonic

Supersonic is a robust user interface framework (UI) for developing hybrid mobile applications. The framework integrates with any REST API (Application Programming Interface) and allows data interaction/modification in the backend. With Supersonic, one can design API-connected mobile applications for iOS and Android.


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Top 7 Websites and Apps built with AngularJs

AngularJS is a popular framework for building web applications. When I created my first AngularJS app, I got advice from a colleague at work who had experience on how to set everything up. That helped me tremendously because I didn’t have to guess at best practices.  AngularJS provides a great platform to build your website.Today we will look upon top 7 websites built with AngularJS to let you know more about this technology.



Freelancer is the world’s most renowned marketplace for outsourcing. The employer just needs to post the project to get their work done. There are around 15.7 million freelancers registered on this site who compete against each other by bidding on the project.



Paypal is one of the worldwide leading Internet payment companies. It’s another example of large websites using AngularJS.

3. is a website for learning AngularJS. This site contains videos, free course, tutorials, case studies, documentations and API references to learn AngularJS. This site gives a perfect platform for learning AngularJS to novice.



Istockphoto has a huge collection of images, videos and photo clips. These images can be purchased at a nominal price of US $0.95 to $1.50 with price range varying on the credits allotted to an image.



UpWork is another great website which provides a platform where employer can find freelancers for any job at any time. It allows client to work, hire and interview with freelancers thereby, reducing the efforts to find a suitable employee for the role.



Localytics is a marketing platform for mobile and web app owners to build a strong customer relationship through their analytics. This service offering platform is used by 6,000 companies, like Microsoft, eBay, ESPN, and others. Localytics developers were previously using Backbone before they decided to move to AngularJS framework. And now their integrated approach to app helps users to deliver a more personalized experience. They believed AngularJS helped to solve common UI related problems and reduce the amount of code comparing to the previous framework.



Netflix is headquartered at California (United States) and provides on request internet streaming media to viewers. It brings the latest movies and TV series at your doorstep by sending you DVDs via Permit Reply Mail.



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Why MEAN is better than LAMP ?


Developing a Web-driven application (either mobile or browser-based) typically requires the provisioning of some server-side infrastructure as well as the development of some code to run on it. Such code will often consume APIs. But occasionally, it provide them as well. For many years, the go-to infrastructure in such situations was affectionately referred to as the LAMP stack and it primarily involved Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP, Perl or Python. But, thanks in part to Javascript’s applicability to both client and server-side scripting, there’s an another stack that’s now widely considered as an alternative to LAMP; the MEAN stack.


What’s LAMP?

Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. The holy grail of web development for at least as long as I can remember. This stack represents the foundation of the web.

While its age may be showing, its maturity is strong. The LAMP stack can be altered to replace MySQL with MongoDB, and PHP with Python. The acronym defines a low level configuration for web applications.

What’s MEAN?


MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js makes up the MEAN stack. A powerful JavaScript driven stack with diverse capabilities.

Comparatively to LAMP, the database layer is replaced completely with JSON storage using MongoDB. JSON is the native data language of JavaScript. While relatively young, the framework has a growing number of supporters.

This stack is basically a JavaScript lover’s dream.

Now we will look at points , why MEAN is better.


Node.js is superfast


Apache was great, but these days, Node.js is often flat-out faster. A number of benchmarks show that Node.js offers better performance, while doing much more. Perhaps it’s the age of the code. Perhaps the Node.js event-driven architecture is quicker. It doesn’t matter. These days, especially among impatient mobile device users, shaving even milliseconds off your app’s performance is important and Node.js can do that, while offering a Turing-complete mechanism for reprogramming it.


MongoDB is built for the cloud


If your Web app plans include making good on the pennies-per-CPU promise of the cloud, the MEAN stack offers a compelling database layer in MongoDB. This modern database comes equipped with automatic sharding and full cluster support, right out of the box. Plug in MongoDB and it spreads across your cluster of servers to offer failover support and automatic replication. Given the ease with which apps can be developed, tested, and hosted in the cloud, there’s little reason not to consider MongoDB for your next project.


MySQL’s structure is confining (and overrated)


Anyone who has developed or maintained a LAMP-based app for any amount of time knows that MySQL’s strength as a relational database can feel a bit imprisoning at times. Like all relational databases, MySQL forces you to push your data into tables. This isn’t a problem if every single entry fits into exactly the same format, but how often is the world that generous? What if two people share the same address but not the same account? What if you want to have three lines to the address instead of two? Who hasn’t tried to fix a relational database by shoehorning too much data into a single column? Or else you end up adding yet another column, and the table grows unbounded.

MongoDB, on the other hand, offers a document structure that is far more flexible. Want to add a new bit of personal information to your user profiles? Simply add the field to your form, roll it up with the rest of the data in a JSON document, and shove it into your MongoDB collection. This is great for projects in flux and for dealing with data that may ultimately prove tricky to constrain in table form.


Angular is a Plus


It’s not exactly fair to compare the “A” in “MEAN” with anything in the LAMP stack because LAMP doesn’t include an analog. If you want to do anything on the client side, you’re on your own. Sure, there are plenty of good PHP-based frameworks that work with MySQL, but each is a bit different and moving in its


AngularJS is more intuitive as it makes use of HTML as a declarative language. Moreover, it is less brittle for reorganizing. AngularJS is a comprehensive solution for rapid front-end development. It does not need any other plugins or frameworks. Moreover, there are a range of other features that include Restful actions, data building, dependency injection, enterprise-level testing, etc. AngularJS is unit testing ready, and that is one of its most compelling advantages.


Node.js simplifies the server layer


Navigating the various layers of the LAMP stack can be a difficult dance of many hats, one that has you shuffling through various config files with differing syntax. MEAN simplifies this through use of Node.js.

Want to change how your app routes requests? Sprinkle in some JavaScript and let Node.js do the rest. Want to change the logic used to answer queries? Use JavaScript there as well. If you want to rewrite URLs or construct an odd mapping, it’s also in JavaScript. The MEAN stack’s reliance on Node.js put this kind of pipework all in one place, all in one language, all in one pile of logic. You don’t need to reread the man pages for PHP, Apache, and whatever else you add to the stack. While the LAMP generation has different config files for everything, Node.js avoids that issue altogether. Having everything in one layer means less confusion and less chance of strange bugs created by weird interactions between multiple layers.


JSON everywhere


AngularJS and MongoDB both speak JSON, as do Node.js and Express.js. The data flows neatly among all the layers without rewriting or reformatting. MySQL’s native format for answering queries is, well, all its own. Yes, PHP already has the code to import MySQL data and make it easy to process in PHP, but that doesn’t help the client layer. This may be a bit minor to seasoned LAMP veterans because there are so many well-tested libraries that convert the data easily, but it all seems a bit inefficient and confusing. MEAN uses the same JSON format for data everywhere, which makes it simpler and saves time reformatting as it passes through each layer. Plus, JSON’s ubiquity through the MEAN stack makes working with external APIs that much easier: GET, manipulate, present, POST, and store all with one format.


Its your choice


Of course, if you’re really picky, there’s no reason why you can’t mix it up a bit. Plenty of developers use MongoDB with Apache and PHP, and others prefer to use MySQL with Node.js. AngularJS works quite well with any server, even one running PHP to deliver data from MySQL. You don’t have to be a slave to the acronyms.

This post is inspired from another blog written on this topic


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Why and how to take your UI5 skills to next level

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3 Advantage of learning D3JS

3 Advantage of learning D3JS


Learning D3 can take time, especially if you have no prior web development experience. Hence, D3 is probably not for people who want to just quickly expand their visualization skills. Now back to the top 3 reasons for learning D3

1. Lots of examples.

Here’s a secret about creating great data visualizations: take ideas from other examples you’ve liked! That’s often the most effective way to make you look like and become a master data visualizer.

And that’s the great news about D3: there are thousands – thousands! – of great D3 examples to work from.

See excellent curated lists of D3 examples here and here. Many of these examples are posted online because developers want others to re-use their code. Just be sure to give credit where credit is due 🙂

2. Vibrant open-source community.

When I have a question about D3 , I often Google the issue and then quickly find a great StackOverflow or blog post that addresses it. These extensive (free!) resources are available because of the very large and vibrant open-source community behind D3.

3. Knowing D3 = Hirable skills.

Data Science and analytics skills are top trends and when it comes to analytics over web D3JS is preferred because of its powerful libraries and responsive capabilites.

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