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SAP® Fiori® Elements with SAP® CAPM App – Sample SAP® CAPM App Setup

In this blog, you will see how to set up the setup SAP® CAPM App in SAP® BAS:


Table of Contents:

Start the Series from: SAP® Fiori® Elements with SAP® CAPM App

Go to the next Blog from: SAP® Fiori® Elements with SAP® CAPM App – Fiori® Element App

Go to the Course from: Learn SAP® Fiori® Elements from



1. Create a SAP® CAPM Project to generate sample files and structure. In the BAS CLI you can write:

cds init sample-project

Some of the files created in the project like the data CSV file and the app folder will be added in the coming steps:

SAP® CAPM Project creation


2. Go to the db folder and create a file data-models.cds to add the schema:

namespace sampleProject;

entity Products {
  key ID: UUID;
  productName: String;
  category : String;
  price : Decimal;
  description : String; // New field for product description
  image : String; // New field for image URL

3. Add sample data values inside the data folder in a CSV file and name it project-Products.csv:

"e3b0c442-98fc-1c14-9fb0-c4e9b3c77c63";"Laptop";"Electronics";999.99;"High-performance laptop for professionals";""
"fe3a9ec0-93d6-2f3b-ad7c-c8f330b7606c";"Smartphone";"Electronics";599.99;"Latest model with advanced features";""
"b4e9b3c7-7c63-4e3b-0c44-29fc1c149fb0";"Coffee Maker";"Home Appliances";49.99;"Brews perfect coffee every time";""
SAP® CAPM Data Model



4. Create a basic service inside the srv folder in the file catalog-service.cds :

using sampleProject from '../db/data-model';
service CatalogService {
entity Products as projection on sampleProject.Products;


5. We have created a SAP® CAPM App to explore which can be used in a Fiori® Element Template, so let’s start making that.
Note, that this SAP® CAPM App will be used in the Fiori® Element Template, so we need to keep the App running and create a new Project From Template which we will do next.

To run the App we can use the Start Script of the App from the package.json file:

npm run start


npm run [watch-project-name]

Running SAP® CAPM App