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Introduction to SAPĀ® UI5

What is SAPUI5?

SAPUI5 (SAP user interface for HTML5) is a JavaScript library created by SAP. This library will be using to create HTML5 based applications, which will also be using CSS3 & AJAX too. The most interesting part of developing these type of application is, they will take its own visibility or appearances, when opened either on a desktop, mobile devices,tablets,web browsers etc. so the look and feel will not be hampered due to the responsiveness of the UI5 components.

What is the difference between OpenUI5 and SAPUI5 ?

OpenUI5(the Open-Source-licensed version of SAPUI5) comes with an APACHE2 license and SAPUI5 comes with an SAP license. OpenUI5 library does not require any permission to use it.We can get more details about the library on here.

What are the prerequisites technology to get started to learn UI5,or how many levels of knowledge one should have to get started with SAPUI5?

The prerequisites technology are

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • oData

The level of knowledge required to get started with SAPUI5:-

HTML5 : You need not required to be an expertise with it, but yes you need to know the basic knowledge/syntax’s i.e. the tags of HTML at least and when to use them.

CSS3 Ā : Yes, you need to have a pretty good knowledge of CSS, because in the project you will be working in will demand an in-depth knowledge of CSS.

JavaScript : We will be using in JavaScript to build our applications. So having a good sound knowledge in the same will help you to go ahead with it.

jQuery : If you do not have knowledge of jQuery,it may be managed, but we will be using it while integrating some third party libraries as and when required while developing the application.

oData : It deals with the JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)objects which will be acting as the data that will be coming from the back-end server.


So these are some pretty basic questions which, stay tuned for more !



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Top 3 Javascript charting libraries to learn

Below are our top 3 javascript libraries to learn.We have only selected 3 because for a developer main difference comes in knowing a library well enough to implement the challenging part of the requirement with ease.And providing too many options will make the job even harder to select which one to select from.



  • Easy and intuitive
  • Easier to adopt for Excel sheet users
  • Responsive
  • DPI independent



  • Open-source. Free for all uses



  • Comprehensive
  • Compatible with PC, Mac, iPhones, Android and even with IE6 !
  • Responsive
  • Easier to integrate with 3rd party libraries
  • Free Trail



  • Free for non-commercial, paid for commercial uses



  • Stunning visualization
  • Dynamic updating DOM
  • Compatible across browser
  • Huge set of options to use from




  • Open-source. Free for all uses.
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C3.js and Chart.js taking OpenUI5 visualization to next level

Most of the customers using UI5 are pretty amazed by the visualization and nice interactive reports they can see using UI5.

UI5  javascript libraries opens up a huge realm of possibilities.

d3 chart images.001


If you have seen D3JS then you would be wondering, is there something which can not be done by D3JS.




This we all will agree who have tried in some point or other to work with it, that the time to learn it compare to other JS library is little high.If you have used sap.viz library in your UI5 project before then you might know it as well that it also uses d3 internally.

char.js ui5

Recently there were also attempt to integrate C3.js and Chart.js libraries with UI5. The GitHub project is called custom controls for charting.This also looks pretty amazing and it is responsive as well.

We will soon give this new JS library mashup a try and tell you the result !


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Developer who can earn $336K in less than 10 min !

The recent video of an Android developer is going viral for creating a TSA app in under 10 minutes.According to him he would charge $10 for the amount of work which he put in the app.But the entire project costed $1.4M .The app only displays random arrows on clicking the screen that’s all.

According to report the actual cost of application if we remove the cost of training user and hardware is $336K which just points randomly to left and rightĀ .

After looking at the original video the arrows which are used in the app do have transition effect and nice shadow property.But that still does not signifies the cost !



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The world of “Virtual Reality”

Have you seen those youtube videos where people keep on falling down after putting this head gear(Oculus Rift) on ! It surely gives us laugh but it creates an interest to experience the same thing.




After seeing many such videos and pranks there has been a lot of curiosity and interest which has risen in for virtual realty.But it is not a overnight success for virtual reality, the technology and concept can be first traced back to 1935.

This picture in which you can see experience of Virtual Reality, is from the story “Pygmalion’s Spectacles” and is recognized as one of the first works of science fiction that entertain virtual reality.After that there were many occurrences of virtual reality which you might have experienced in movies as well.


Virtual reality 1935

If you are familiar with “The last lecture” from Randy Pausch the awesome Virtual Reality professor who gave his last lecture to students of Carnegie Mellon then you might have seen the amazing virtual reality sessions they were used to have and the kind of advancement they already went through in early 2000’s.The excitement and passion of students and professors showed that everyone knew that they were onto something.

Randy Pausch Last lecture

From what we are seeing in industry now, the mainstream software companies and giants are coming into the picture after they saw that the idea seems profitable and have enough attention of people.It is high time to put it into commercial use, the time of creating POC(proof of concept ) is over it is time to deliver something meaningful and beneficial.