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C3.js and Chart.js taking OpenUI5 visualization to next level

Most of the customers using UI5 are pretty amazed by the visualization and nice interactive reports they can see using UI5.

UI5  javascript libraries opens up a huge realm of possibilities.

d3 chart images.001


If you have seen D3JS then you would be wondering, is there something which can not be done by D3JS.




This we all will agree who have tried in some point or other to work with it, that the time to learn it compare to other JS library is little high.If you have used sap.viz library in your UI5 project before then you might know it as well that it also uses d3 internally.

char.js ui5

Recently there were also attempt to integrate C3.js and Chart.js libraries with UI5. The GitHub project is called custom controls for charting.This also looks pretty amazing and it is responsive as well.

We will soon give this new JS library mashup a try and tell you the result !


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Developer who can earn $336K in less than 10 min !

The recent video of an Android developer is going viral for creating a TSA app in under 10 minutes.According to him he would charge $10 for the amount of work which he put in the app.But the entire project costed $1.4M .The app only displays random arrows on clicking the screen that’s all.

According to report the actual cost of application if we remove the cost of training user and hardware is $336K which just points randomly to left and right .

After looking at the original video the arrows which are used in the app do have transition effect and nice shadow property.But that still does not signifies the cost !



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Have you heard about Zero UI ?

Being in tech world for a while, discussions related to new technologies and innovation are not new to me. They happen all the time !

And as a guy who likes to play in bleeding edge technologies, I always want to show my audience the next cool big thing.

As the name suggests, Zero UI is about removing the UI, that is acting as a barrier between the user and the device, in order to provide a more seamless interaction with the technology.

Have a look at this video, you will get a better idea.

This is an example of Microsoft® Kinect for retail.

There are also a few new announcements in this topic, from Google® as well, one under the name Project Soli, which is a radar-based wearable to control anything. Based on the assumption that our hand is the ultimate device for input, Project Soli is developing a new interaction sensor using radar technology. The sensor can track sub-millimeter motions at high speed and accuracy. It fits onto a chip, can be produced at scale and built into small devices and everyday objects.


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BBC micro:bit will help UK kids to learn programming

Gone are the days when programming and hardware related knowledge were restricted to a few people.

In today’s world, we are surrounded by an amazing system of hardware and software devices that make our life easier.

This idea has led UK schools to encourage kids to learn programming with the help of micro:bit .

This small device which looks like a toy, will be given for free to kids in school.

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How DuckDuckGo is helping developers !

If you have never heard the name DuckDuckGo then, you might be thinking if this is a cartoon show or movie we are talking about. But in reality DuckDuckGo is a search engine.


In the search engine world, dominated by Google, DuckDuckGo is setting itself apart by going into an interesting niche: helping developers to write, review and fix code in open source repository every day.

When we are developing, we require access to code, examples, syntax help and answers to technical questions.

And can be annoying when we are looking for answers and still we are not clear what to do!

Next time, in a similar situation, you should give DuckDuckGo a shot.

To know more how to use DuckDuckGo for your webpage, you can have a look at this.