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SAP HANA Internet of Things (IoT): Raspberry, Arduino Uno, XSJS & SAPUI5: Part 7


SAP HANA IoT and The Internet of Things

If you have not seen yet, double check the introduction, first partsecond partthird partfourth partfifth part and sixth part of this SAP HANA IoT series.

Tying loose ends and going live

All the components are now setup individually and all we need to do is to run them synchronously.

We should double check the URLs of the services, that links Raspberry Pi to SAP HANA system, from the sensor side; and SAP HANA system to SAPUI5, from the front end user’s side.

Let’s go for the go-live.

We are going to open the SAPUI5 app screen and start the Java program that reads the serial data and sends it back to HANA:




Now, once we start the Java program, we will instantly see the SAPUI5 app starts updating all the sensors data, on near real time basis.

A video result is shown here:







Congratulations we have now a working prototype ready of application leveraging Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi, Arduino Uno, sensors, SAP HANA and SAPUI5.

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SAP HANA Internet of Things (IoT): Raspberry, Arduino Uno, XSJS & SAPUI5: Part 6


SAP HANA IoT and The Internet of Things

If you have not seen yet, double check the introduction, first partsecond partthird partfourth part and fifth part of this SAP HANA IoT series.

Configuring SAP UI5

We have covered all the steps related to hardware setup and have also configured the backend SAP HANA.

We’ll configure now the UI which is going to show the sensor information.

SAP HANA IoT Internet of Things: Raspberry, Arduino Uno, XSJS & SAPUI5

The UI is simple and we have kept two tiles

The first tile is showing the value of the sensor ie. the LUX value or light intensity. The small window, below the reading value, tells how the sensor looks like (used custom CSS mapping).

We are going to create a simple view and controller and place the tiles in the view.The tiles will be placed in the tile container and the tile container will be returned inside the content of the page.

There are 3 main component here :

  1. Index.html
  2. View
  3. Controller.

Code for the above components are:



<img src="" data-wp-preserve="%3Cscript%3E%2F%2F%20%3C!%5BCDATA%5B%20sap.ui.localResources(%22shiot_ui%22)%3B%20app%20%3D%20new%20sap.m.App(%7BinitialPage%3A%22idshiot_ui1%22%7D)%3B%20var%20page%20%3D%20sap.ui.view(%7Bid%3A%22idshiot_ui1%22%2C%20viewName%3A%22shiot_ui_02.shiot_ui_02%22%2C%20type%3Asap.ui.core.mvc.ViewType.JS%7D)%3B%20app.addPage(page)%3B%20app.placeAt(%22content%22)%3B%20%2F%2F%20%5D%5D%3E%3C%2Fscript%3E" data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1" class="mce-object" width="20" height="20" alt="&lt;script&gt;" title="&lt;script&gt;" />

<div id="splash-screen">

<div class="splash-screen-text">

<div class="en">Welcome to HANA IoT Demo</div>


<div class="splash-screen-circle-outer"></div>

<div class="splash-screen-circle-inner"></div>


<img src="" data-wp-preserve="!%5BCDATA%5B%20%2F%2F%20%5D%5D%3E%3C%2Fscript%3E" data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1" class="mce-object" width="20" height="20" alt="&lt;script&gt;" title="&lt;script&gt;" />


sap.ui.jsview("shiot_ui_02.shiot_ui_02", {

/** Specifies the Controller belonging to this View.

* In the case that it is not implemented, or that "null" is returned, this View does not have a Controller.

* @memberOf shiot_ui_02.shiot_ui_02


getControllerName : function() {

return "shiot_ui_02.shiot_ui_02";


/** Is initially called once after the Controller has been instantiated. It is the place where the UI is constructed.

* Since the Controller is given to this method, its event handlers can be attached right away.

* @memberOf shiot_ui_02.shiot_ui_02


createContent : function(oController) {

var content = new sap.suite.ui.commons.NumericContent("idInRateValue", {

size: "S",

scale: "LUX",

value: "{/value}",

valueColor: "Good",

indicator: "{/direction}"


var tileContent = new sap.suite.ui.commons.TileContent("idInTileCont", {

unit: "",

size: "L",

content: [




var tileInInfo = new sap.suite.ui.commons.GenericTile("idTileInInfo", {

header: "In",

size: "S",

frameType: "TwoByOne",

tileContent: [




var tileCompr = new sap.suite.ui.commons.GenericTile("idAllGTStatus", {

header: "Compare Level",

size: "L",

scale: "L",

frameType: "TwoByOne",

press: function(){"Demo");


tileContent: [

new sap.suite.ui.commons.TileContent("idDaysComprDash", {

size: "S",

scale: "S",

content: [

new sap.suite.ui.commons.ComparisonChart("idDaysCompr", {

size: "XS",

width: "18rem",

data: [

new sap.suite.ui.commons.ComparisonData({

title: "Maximum Limit",

value: "{/comparisonValue1}",

color: sap.suite.ui.commons.InfoTileValueColor.Error


new sap.suite.ui.commons.ComparisonData({

title: "Current",

value: "{/comparisonValue2}",

color: sap.suite.ui.commons.InfoTileValueColor.Critical

}),new sap.suite.ui.commons.ComparisonData({

title: "Mimumim Limit",

value: "{/comparisonValue3}",

color: sap.suite.ui.commons.InfoTileValueColor.Good








tileCompr.addStyleClass("sapMTile backGroundWhite");

var custeReading = new sap.m.CustomTile({

content: [




var custeCompare = new sap.m.CustomTile({

content: [




var tileContainer = new sap.m.TileContainer("idMainTiles", {

tiles: [





//Polling implementation

setInterval(oController.changeKPITest, 1000 * 3);

// create the page holding the List

var page1 = new sap.m.Page({

title: "HANA IoT KPI",

enableScrolling: false,

content : [




return page1;




sap.ui.controller("shiot_ui_02.shiot_ui_02", {


* Called when a controller is instantiated and its View controls (if available) are already created.

* Can be used to modify the View before it is displayed, to bind event handlers and do other one-time initialization.

* @memberOf shiot_ui_02.shiot_ui_02


//onInit: function() {




* Similar to onAfterRendering, but this hook is invoked before the controller's View is re-rendered

* (NOT before the first rendering! onInit() is used for that one!).

* @memberOf shiot_ui_02.shiot_ui_02


onBeforeRendering: function() {

var data =     {

"value": 0,

"direction": "Down",

"comparisonValue1": 0,

"comparisonValue2": 0,

"comparisonValue3": 0


var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();




//Triggers automatically for display test

changeKPITest: function(){

/*var min = 0;

var max = 100;

var newRandomreading = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;*/

var url = "http:///demoApp/demo01/app01/services/getSensorReading.xsjs?id=";

var _SENSORID = "A001";

var _MAXLIMIT = 170;

var _MINLIMIT = 25;

var data =     {

"value": 0,

"direction": "Down",

"comparisonValue1": _MAXLIMIT,

"comparisonValue2": 0,

"comparisonValue3": _MINLIMIT


var oModel;

var newColorCode;

//for now hardcoding the sensor ID

url = url + _SENSORID;

//Doing the asyn call to HANA system


url: url,

async: true,

dataType: 'json',

type: 'GET',

success: function(oData) {

if (!oData) {"Not able to get Data");

} else {

data["value"] = oData["value"];

data["comparisonValue2"] = oData["value"];

oModel =  sap.ui.getCore().getModel();

if(oModel.getData()["comparisonValue2"] &gt; data["comparisonValue2"]){

data["direction"] = "Down";


data["direction"] = "Up";




//changing the color as well

newColorCode = parseInt(data["value"])*2  ;

if(newColorCode &gt; 255){

newColorCode = 255;


$('#idInTileCont-footer-text').css("background-color", "rgba("+newColorCode+", "+newColorCode+", "+newColorCode+", 0.99)");



error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {"Connection not able to establish");





* Called when the View has been rendered (so its HTML is part of the document). Post-rendering manipulations of the HTML could be done here.

* This hook is the same one that SAPUI5 controls get after being rendered.

* @memberOf shiot_ui_02.shiot_ui_02


//onAfterRendering: function() {




* Called when the Controller is destroyed. Use this one to free resources and finalize activities.

* @memberOf shiot_ui_02.shiot_ui_02


//onExit: function() {




Here the controller function changeKPITest is polled every 3 sec and we have the new data bound to model, which is returned from SAP HANA XSJS AJAX call .

It is better to have a push notification feature in here instead of polling which, is called web-­­sockets, but for simplicity purpose we have kept the configuration minimal.

In part 7, we are tying the loose ends and going live.



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SAP HANA Internet of Things (IoT): Raspberry, Arduino Uno, XSJS & SAPUI5: Part 5


SAP HANA IoT and The Internet of Things

If you have not seen yet, double check the introduction, first partsecond partthird part and fourth part of this SAP HANA IoT series.

We have already covered all the steps related to hardware setup and configuration.

We are going now to focus our attention on SAP HANA and interfacing it with our SAP UI5 frontend.

We are going to cover the SAP HANA setup in this part and SAPUI5 setup in part 6 of the series:

SAP HANA IoT Internet of Things (IoT): Raspberry, Arduino Uno, XSJS & SAPUI5

Steps which we are going to follow for configuring SAP HANA

Step1: Create the Data Definition for our HANA XS which will be storing the data.

Step2: Create the SQL procedures to do data operations.

Step3: Create the XSJS services to act as a Gateway between the SQL Procedures calls and the service calls for Raspberry Pi and SAPUI5 application.

Step1 – Create the Data Definition for HANA XS

We  are going to name it Demo Schema .hdbschema. Note here that demoApp.demo01.app02 is the package path and SHIOT_02 is the project name:

namespace demoApp.demo01.app02.SHIOT_02.Data;

@Schema: 'DemoSchema'

context demo02sensorNetwork {

type sensor_key : String(10);

@Schema: 'DemoSchema'

context demo02sensorNetwork {

type sensor_key : String(10);

@Catalog.tableType : #COLUMN

Entity demo02sensor_info_MD {

key ID: sensor_key;

DESC: String(200);


@Catalog.tableType : #COLUMN

Entity demo02sensor_active_TS {

key ID: sensor_key;

key time_stamp: UTCTimestamp;

value : Integer;


Once you have activate the code, you need to create two tables demo02sensor_active_TS and demo02sensor_info_MD .

demo02sensor_active_TS: Stores the transactional Data of the sensors (readings with timestamp).

demo02sensor_info_MD: Stores the Master Data of the sensors (Sensor Id’s)

Step2 – Create the SQL procedures to do data operations

We have to create two SQL procedures for data operations: insert_sensor_reading.hdbprocedure and sensor_read.hdbprocedure.

As the names suggest, the  first one is going to insert sensor data in sensor table and second one is going to read the recent sensor data from the table.

insert_sensor_reading.hdbprocedure is inside the folder Procedures. It is taking sensor ID and sensor Reading as input:


"DemoSchema"."demoApp.demo01.app02.SHIOT_02.Procedures::insert_sensor_reading" (


IN sensor_reading INTEGER )




Inserting sensor Data


insert into "demoApp.demo01.app02.SHIOT_02.Data::demos02sensorNetwork.demo02sensor_active_TS"




sensor_read.hdbprocedure is inside the folder Procedures. It is taking sensor ID as input and returns one data set of demo02sensor_active_TS.




OUT result "DemoSchema"."demoApp.demo01.app02.SHIOT_02.Data::demo02sensorNetwork.demo02sensor_active_TS")




READS SQL DATA &lt;u&gt;AS&lt;/u&gt;



Reading sensors Data


result = select *

from "DemoSchema"."demoApp.demo01.app02.SHIOT_02.Data::demo02sensorNetwork.demo02sensor_active_TS"

where "ID" = :id and "time_stamp" = (select max("time_stamp") from


where "ID"= :id);


Step3: Create the XSJS services

Create the XSJS services to act as a Gateway between the SQL Procedures calls and the service calls for Raspberry Pi and SAP UI5 application:

We have two services.

The first one is getSensorReading.xsjs which reads the recent sensor reading for the sensor id, passed in the URL. It uses sensor_read.hdbprocedure for database call.

var sensorId = $.request.parameters.get("id");

var body = "error";

var data ={





body = sensorId;

if(sensorId === undefined){

$.response.setBody( "Invalid key !!!");



$.response.contentType = "text/plain";


try {

var conn = $.db.getConnection();

var query = 'call \"demoApp.demo01.app02.SHIOT_02.Procedures::sensor_read\"(?,?)';

var cst = conn.prepareCall(query);

cst.setString(1, sensorId);

var rs = cst.execute();


rs = cst.getResultSet();

while({ = rs.getNString(1);

data.timestamp= rs.getTimestamp(2) ;

data.value= rs.getInteger(3);


body = JSON.stringify(data);


} catch (e) {

body = e.stack + "\nName:"+"\nMsg" + e.message;

$.response.status = $.net.http.BAD_REQUEST;



$.response.contentType = "text/plain";


Then after that, we use putSensorReading.xsjs which reads the recent sensor reading for the sensor id and sensor value passed in the URL. It uses insert_sensor_reading.hdbprocedure for database call to store the data.

var sensorId = $.request.parameters.get("id");

var sensorReading = $.request.parameters.get("value");

sensorReading = parseInt(sensorReading,10);

var body = "error";

if(sensorId === undefined){

$.response.setBody( "Invalid key !!!");



$.response.contentType = "text/plain";


try {

var conn = $.db.getConnection();

var query = 'call \"demoApp.demo01.app02.SHIOT_02.Procedures::insert_sensor_reading\"(?,?)';

var cst = conn.prepareCall(query);

cst.setString(1, sensorId);

cst.setInteger(2, sensorReading);

var rs = cst.execute();


//as no record returned

if(rs == 0){

body = true;



} catch (e) {

body = e.stack + "\nName:"+"\nMsg" + e.message;

$.response.status = $.net.http.BAD_REQUEST;



$.response.contentType = "text/plain";


In the real world setup we need also to assign the security key to each sensor and pass it to verify the readings.

Also it would be better to have the timestamp taken from the sensor source and store it in the database but for keeping the coding and complexity minimum we are focusing on the core steps.

In part 6, we are going to setup the SAPUI5 App and integrate it with the backend.


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SAP HANA Internet of Things (IoT): Raspberry, Arduino Uno, XSJS & SAPUI5: Part 4


SAP HANA IoT and The Internet of Things

SAP HANA IoT Internet of Things: Raspberry, Arduino Uno, XSJS & SAPUI5

If you have not seen yet, double check the introduction, first partsecond part and third part of this SAP HANA IoT series.

Today, in this article we are going to perform:

Step 3 – Using Java in Raspberry Pi in order to read serial data of Arduino

This part is the most challenging part for someone who is new to Raspberry Pi, so we have decided to create the entire setup in the utmost simplistic way in 5 sub-steps:

Step 1: Install java in the Raspberry Pi.

Usually Raspbian comes with Java installed but you can still check it via the following command:

 java -version

When you update your Raspbian, it will also update the Java library, if required.

sudo apt-get update

Step 2: The communication is in serial mode, between Arduino and Raspberry Pi, so we need a way to make our Java program to understand it. So Download the below files :

  • from here
  • from here
  • RXTXcomm.jar from here

and go to the download folder of the files and type below commands:
sudo cp /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-arm-vfp-hflt/lib/arm
sudo cp RXTXcomm.jar /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-arm-vfp-hflt/jre/lib
sudo cp /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-arm-vfp-hflt/lib/arm
sudo cp /usr/lib/jni/                                                    

Now, we are assuming here that you have your jdk-8-oracle-arm-vfp-hflt inside your /usr/lib/jvm. If you don’t, then your Java won’t be updated to jdk-8 and you have to update the JDK and JRE .

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Step 3: Now you can copy below Java code.

import java.util.Enumeration;

public class SerialTestGET implements SerialPortEventListener {
SerialPort serialPort;
static int sensorValue = 0;
/** The port we're normally going to use. */
private static final String PORT_NAMES[] = {
"/dev/tty.usbserial-A9007UX1", // Mac OS X
"/dev/ttyACM0", // Raspberry Pi
"/dev/ttyUSB0", // Linux
"COM3", // Windows
* A BufferedReader which will be fed by a InputStreamReader
* converting the bytes into characters
* making the displayed results codepage independent
private BufferedReader input;
/** The output stream to the port */
private OutputStream output;
/** Milliseconds to block while waiting for port open */
private static final int TIME_OUT = 2000;
/** Default bits per second for COM port. */
private static final int DATA_RATE = 9600;

public void initialize() {
// the next line is for Raspberry Pi and
// gets us into the while loop and was suggested here was suggested;t=32186
System.setProperty("", "/dev/ttyACM0");

CommPortIdentifier portId = null;
Enumeration portEnum = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers();

//First, Find an instance of serial port as set in PORT_NAMES.
while (portEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
CommPortIdentifier currPortId = (CommPortIdentifier) portEnum.nextElement();
for (String portName : PORT_NAMES) {
if (currPortId.getName().equals(portName)) {
portId = currPortId;
if (portId == null) {
System.out.println("Could not find COM port.");

try {
// open serial port, and use class name for the appName.
serialPort = (SerialPort),

// set port parameters

// open the streams
input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(serialPort.getInputStream()));
output = serialPort.getOutputStream();

// add event listeners
} catch (Exception e) {

* This should be called when you stop using the port.
* This will prevent port locking on platforms like Linux.
public synchronized void close() {
if (serialPort != null) {

* Handle an event on the serial port. Read the data and print it.
public synchronized void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent oEvent) {
if (oEvent.getEventType() == SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE) {
try {
String inputLine=input.readLine();
} catch (Exception e) {
// Ignore all the other eventTypes, but you should consider the other ones.

// HTTP GET request
public void sendGet(String inputLine) throws Exception {

//if difference is more than 3 then send data to SAP HANA
if(inputLine != null &amp;&amp; inputLine .length() &gt; 0 &amp;&amp; Math.abs(sensorValue - Integer.parseInt(inputLine)) &gt; 3 ){

sensorValue = Integer.parseInt(inputLine);
//Considering that A001 sensor is connection with this raspberry pie for now
//we can even pass this with command line but for simplicityhardcoding it
//Replace with your HANA server URL and port number
String url = "http:///demoApp/demo01/app01/services/putSensorReading.xsjs?id=A001&amp;value=";
url = url + inputLine;

URL obj = new URL(url);
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();

// optional default is GET

//add request header
//con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", USER_AGENT);

int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
if(responseCode == 200){
System.out.println("OK value:"+inputLine);
System.out.println("Error: Response code "+responseCode);

System.out.println("OK value: Less than 3");
}catch (Exception e) {


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
SerialTestGET main = new SerialTestGET();

Thread t=new Thread() {
public void run() {
//the following line will keep this app alive for 1000 seconds,
//waiting for events to occur and responding to them (printing incoming messages to console).
try {Thread.sleep(1000000);} catch (InterruptedException ie) {}

Step 4: Compile it using below command:

javac -source 1.6 -target 1.6 -cp /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-arm-vfp-hflt/jre/lib/RXTXcomm.jar

Here, we are giving a class path of our RXTX.jar file and using 1.6 compatible compiler mode because the Jar file is 1.6 compatible.

Step 5: If there is no error (warnings may come), then your setup is right and you can now read the Arduino data in your serial port of Raspberry Pi, with the step 4 Java compiled code.

You can change the Java code of Step 3 and recompile it, in order to fit your requirements as well.

In the part 5, we will see how to configure the SAP HANA system and SAPUI5 application.


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SAP HANA Internet of Things (IoT): Raspberry, Arduino Uno, XSJS & SAPUI5


SAP HANA IoT and The Internet of Things

In this entire blog series, we are going to cover one SAP Internet of Things (IoT) application setup, end to end.

Scope and Goals of our HANA IoT Project

SAP HANA IoT has started and is not just one more buzzword.

We have chosen a smart home example which will monitor our place. An example that everyone can relate to.

A photosensor will be monitoring the activity in our place and sending the data to an SAP HANA system, using Arduino and Raspberry Pi, in real-time.

From SAP HANA, you will be using SAPUI5 dashboarding capability to see the LUX  sensor information, in a fancy and simple UI.

Amazing isn’t it?

So prepare for the future and read on.

The main components of this project are:

  1. Lights
  2. Photoelectric sensors
  3. Raspberry Pi
  4. Arduino 
  5. SAP HANA system
  6. SAPUI5 technology


Raspberry Pi arduino for IoT UI5CN

This project, SAP HANA IoT With Arduino Uno, Raspberry Pi, HANA XSJS and SAPUI5, will be detailed in the next blogs: